Get Your Dream Bathroom in Oakleigh with Our Renovation Solutions

Bathroom Renovations Oakleigh

Smart Bathroom Renovation Solutions in Oakleigh

Do you wish to offer your bathroom a cool, trendy appearance and enhance its functionality? The experts in a bathroom renovation in Oakleigh are right here to assist you. HRE Built is one of the leading home renovation contractors and we have a team of expert bathroom renovators that ensure delivering your dream bathroom in a trice.

Meet the experts and discuss your requirements with them. Our team of professional bathroom renovators lends a patient ear to all your needs and delivers the best consultation, design, construction and remodelling solutions according to your budget. Get tailor-made plans that suit your bathroom space and get room to include all your required elements. We style your bathroom with the latest designs.


Our Bathroom Renovation Services

Shower Repairs
Bathroom Titling
Bathroom Plumbing
Electrical Fixings

World-Class Bathroom Renovation Assistance at Your Doorsteps

If your bathroom has even the smallest issues that disrupt its everyday usage, these could spell a big loss in future. Nip them in the bud with the least of your efforts. Call HRE built for the best bathroom renovation services in Oakleigh and do away with all the troubles in your bathroom without drilling a big hole in your bank account. We help you get rid of all kinds of issues in your bathroom which could be related to:

Bathroom Renovations Oakleigh-
Eye-Catching Designs & Colours

We ensure to deliver pleasing bathroom designs which grab the attention of the users with fascinating colours and contrast.

Planning and permits

We'll handle all necessary planning and permitting, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free process.

Latest Tools and Techniques

We make use of the latest tools, techniques and procedures to deliver the finest bathroom renovation experience.

Timely Delivery of Projects

Rest assured to get your bathroom space renovated well within the stipulated time period as we ensure strict deadlines for all tasks.

Get Your Free Quote Today!

We deliver innovative concepts, stress-free project management, and stunning renovations in Oakleigh. So are you ready to transfer your bathroom into the space you dreamt of? Connect with us today to schedule your free design consultation.


Why Choose HRE Built for Bathroom Renovations in Oakleigh?

HRE Built is not just a bathroom renovation company in Oakleigh. In fact, it’s a brand that is trusted by so many of our clients who are in regular touch with us. We promise to offer bathroom remodelling services that meet your needs to the fullest without even devouring your bank account. Some of the salient features of our bathroom renovation assistance include the following:

Highest Quality Materials

At HRE Built, we are known to use only the best quality products and raw materials while renovating your bathroom. These are pre-approved by our clients.

Latest Construction Technology

We employ the latest machines and equipment to deliver the finest outcomes – from designing the space to the finishing touches.

Reasonable Warranty

Rest assured of the quality of our products and workmanship as well because we offer a suitable warranty on our bathroom renovation jobs.

Affordable Pricing

If you want the bathroom renovation job to be done within your budget, consider it done from our end. We have customised packages for your needs.


Our Work Process

Step - 1

Initial Consultation, Planning & Designing

Step - 2

Demolition & Removal

Step - 3

Carpentry Work

Step - 4

Waterproofing & Tiling

Step - 5

Electrical Works

Step - 6

Inspections & Handover


Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of your bathroom renovation project will depend on various factors, such as the size of the space, the materials used, and the scope of work required. However, we offer affordable and customised packages for your needs, ensuring that your bathroom renovation project is completed within your budget & time.

You can schedule a consultation with our bathroom renovation experts by calling us or filling out the online contact form on our website. Our team will get in touch with you to discuss your requirements and provide you with a detailed plan for your project.

Yes, we offer a suitable warranty on all our bathroom renovation jobs. We stand behind the quality of our workmanship and products, so you can have peace of mind knowing that your bathroom will be renovated to the highest standards.

We use only the highest quality materials and products for all our bathroom renovation projects. Our clients pre-approve all the products we use to ensure they meet their standards and expectations.


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