Should The Primary Bedroom And Bathroom Be The Same Colour?

When we talk about the master bedroom and bathroom, they could or couldn’t be the same colour. Unlike carpets, it’s mandatory to be of the same colour. This blog is...

Should The Primary Bedroom And Bathroom Be The Same Colour
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When we talk about the master bedroom and bathroom, they could or couldn’t be the same colour. Unlike carpets, it’s mandatory to be of the same colour. This blog is going to talk about whether we can use the same colour in both spaces or not. Without any further ado, let’s discuss it in detail. 

The General Rule

Generally, the rule of thumb is you should follow the 60-30-10 rule. This rule states that 60% should be the dominant colour, 30% should be the colour complementing it, and 10% should be an accent colour. The style of both the spaces should be kept the same. 

This embellishing rule is used to decide the colour code of the space. Be it a master bedroom or your normal bathroom. Even though it’s called a rule, you should consider it a guideline. 

What about The Dominant Colour?

Think of this guideline concerning the master bedroom and bathroom. The dominant colour should cover the main exposed areas of the space. In the case of the master bedroom, it should always cover the walls, the bedspread, and the furniture that are large. Likewise, for the bathroom, the dominant colour should cover the main areas such as walls, shower curtains, countertops, and shelves. This makes up 60% of the space. 

What About The Secondary Colour?

Now coming to the 30% of the guideline mentioned above. This we can call a secondary colour. This part would cover only half of the dominant colour. This 30% will offer intensity. If we talk about spaces- this will cover your towels, a feature wall, or maybe the curtains. Similarly, this will cover curtains, bedsheets, a feature wall, etc. in the master bedroom. 

What About The Accent Colour?

The remaining 10% is the accent colour or you can call it a feature colour. This is the main ingredient that spice up the overall look of the space. It is generally a bright, vivid colour. The lamps, pillow covers, and wall frames included in the bedroom should be of this colour. For the bathroom, soap dispensers, toothbrush holders, and decorative bowls should be of this colour. 

All of the above are as per the colour guideline. Have you ever thought what if it gets broken? What if we don’t follow this guideline? It is always essential for all of us to give it a whirl of new colour codes for our space. 

Rules Are Meant To Be Broken:

What if you revamp your master bedroom or the bathroom as per your colour code? You should consider adding your taste to the existing guideline. It is a guideline but it’s not always mandatory to follow the same. 

You must know how difficult is it to create a linkage right? It shouldn’t always be about the paint colour you use in making up the primary bedroom and the bathroom. It is also about the style statement. 

We know both these spaces are crucial. These serve a different purpose. The selection of the colour truly depends on your preference. For example, everyone wants their bedroom to be peaceful, and calm, the colours play an imperative role. You must select colours that have a soft and pastel tone, or maybe darker feature colours. 

The bathroom being a smaller space, you need to select the colour code wisely. It shouldn’t be too dark. You should keep it a bit subtle yet elegant. It shouldn’t suppress the light. Dark colours shouldn’t be forced. You must focus on the style pattern. The pattern that would work in the bathroom is geometric. You can even use a blush contrast, which could turn out to be more vibrant. 

How To Select The Dominant Colour? 

You should always keep in mind while choosing a dominant colour for your space, that the colour should be very light, and have a soft tone. Since the dominant colour covers 60% of the space, it shouldn’t be mundane. Even the light grey shades will work. 

You can also go for off-white or creamish white colour tones. It will also get paired with the secondary, and feature colours easily. And It will create a soothing, and peaceful vibe in the master bedroom. It would be great if you use the same tone in the bathroom as well. 

It can be said in the case of a dominant colour, you can use the same colour tone in both spaces. If we talk about the bathroom, you should go for a bluish shade. The thing is, light is quite an important factor when it comes to the bathroom. Being a smaller space, the paints being used should be more intensified. 

To Sum Up

Whatever colour you choose for your bathroom and master bedroom, it should be easy on the eyes. The tone should be subtle. It should complement the components like side walls, cabinets, etc. 

Painting the space has never been an easy job. It should always be practical. You may follow that 60-30-10 guideline or you can even trust yourself. 

Adding your colour tone, and matching it up with the space could do wonders. It shouldn’t always be like following the rules. You should know the basics of matching up the colour tones, and you’re good to go! 

Coming to the main question- whether we can use the same colour or not? Yes, we can. It depends on your way of thinking. 

What are your thoughts about the same? Are you going to follow that rule or you’re going to trust your instincts, and spice the space as per your taste?

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